
El Salvador’s President, Nayib Bukele, is running for reelection on February 4th.He urges votes to continue his fight against gangs.

In a recent video on X, Bukele highlights the need to protect security achievements.He supports New Ideas Party candidates for Congress.

Bukele stresses the importance of maintaining a qualified majority.

This majority is crucial for continuing the battle against gangs, he explains.Without it, his administration could not pass emergency measures or appoint key judicial figures.

These actions are essential for defeating gangs, Bukele adds.Losing just one seat could empower the opposition.

Their goal, according to Bukele, is to release gang members and regain power.El-Salvador’s Bukele Seeks Reelection Amid Anti-Gang Campaign.

(Photo Internet reproduction)Polls predict a win for Bukele and control over Congress.

The elections will also renew Congress.

Bukele’s campaign follows a six-month leave from Parliament.His popularity stems from reducing gang violence.

This approach has brought peace but restricted civil rights under an emergency regime since March 2022, human rights groups report.Bukele’s candidacy comes after a controversial court decision.

It allowed him a second term, despite constitutional prohibitions on reelection.BackgroundBukele’s anti-gang campaign has significantly impacted El Salvador’s security landscape.This approach has garnered widespread domestic support.

Yet, it has also sparked debate on human rights and civil liberties.Globally, countries facing similar gang issues watch El Salvador’s strategy with interest.

The balance between security and freedom remains a central concern.Bukele’s potential reelection could influence regional politics.

Neighboring nations might consider adopting similar tactics.In short, The international community continues to monitor the situation, weighing the outcomes of such policies on democracy and human rights.

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