
The Chief Executive of Bank Melli Iran (BMI) Mohammad Reza Farzin issued a message on the occasion of National Day of Journalists, the Public Relations Department of the bank reported.Hereunder is the full text of CEO of BMI on National Day of Journalists:The mind and insight of each human being is the window, through which, they look at the world and the events that happened in it, and in this way, journalists, with the art of truthful reporting and responsible narration of events, are duty bound to build minds of people.The concern of providing news feeds and providing realistic images and analyses of various events and watering the thirsty mind of today's people with facts and realities is a responsibility that shows the sensitivity of the work of journalists.The position of this profession is so high that it can be said with dare that no plan, project, or service by the government can be so successful without an intelligent and effective news package.Journalists of the country's media have played an important and leading role in each and every success achieved by the governments in different sectors with accurate and professional dissemination of information.The success and prosperity of Bank Melli Iran (BMI) in realizing its lofty goals to provide various services to our countrymen in every corner of our Islamic country is indebted to the nonstop and unflinching efforts of journalists who have honestly worked closely with the employees of this bank to pave suitable way for providing better services.Hence, we, in Bank Melli Iran, praise these nonstop and relentless efforts of those working in the field of dissemination of news and I hope that these responsible pens will remain powerful in helping Bank Melli Iran as well as all governmental and non-governmental sectors to realize their objectives.

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